Distribution in scandinavian waters
Maximum length: 20-40 cm.
Appearance: Shimmering pale green in colour. The shoots that
grow from a common root are tubular, often gas filled, intestine like
and devoid of branching.
Depth: 0-7 m.
Environment: Enteromorpha intestinalis grows on gravel
and rocky bottoms. At low tide, a part of them tend to bend and float
on the surface. It is quite common in rock
pools, especially those that have a high position, 5 to 10 m above
sea level, and get splashed during storms.
Misc.: There are about 10 specie of Enteromorpha intestinalis,
and it can be very difficult for the layman to see the differences between
the different specie.
Classification: Enteromorpha intestinalis is a
member of the group green algae.